California State Regulations
State Small Book California State Regulations

Price: $30.00

item description Home Health Agencies

California Code of Regulations
Title 22, Division 5, Chapter 6
(Operative April 1, 2020)

Home Care Services Licensing and Registration

California Code of Regulations
Title 22, Division 15, Chapter 1
(Operative February 14, 2019)

Home Care & Hospice Licensure Chapters

California Health and Safety Code, Division 2, Chapter 2.6
(Effective January 1, 2011)
Division 2, Chapter 8
(Effective January 1, 2020)
Division 2, Chapter 8.3
(Effective January 1, 2007)
Division 2, Chapter 8.5
(Effective January 1, 2019)
Division 2, Chapter 13
(Effective January 1, 2020)

Standards of Quality Hospice Care

California Hospice and Pallatative Care Association
(Effective January 1, 2005)

Additional Items

Federal OASIS-E Guidance Manual
Federal Small Books Federal OASIS-E Guidance Manual
Texas State Regulations
State Small Book Texas State Regulations
Washington State Regulations
State Small Book Washington State Regulations
$20.00 Update Pending

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