Client Testimonials

We have utilized HCL since 2016 for a variety of services in our home health, hospice, and PAS agencies. Their team of consultants have assisted us with policy manuals, QAPI, mock surveys, agency annual evaluations and many regulatory questions over the years. We put our trust in HCL!

Kelly Bullock, RN Owner/Administrator of Family First Home Health and Family First Hospice

HealthCare ConsultLink has been my go-to consulting service provider in the Home Health, Hospice, and Provider Services spaces for almost 20 years continuously. Any agency that I have joined that didn’t use their services did so very shortly after I arrived.

Casey Wilson BSN, RN, VP Clinical Administration & Compliance

I highly recommend their services and, quite frankly, couldn’t imagine using another provider of their scope in this business.

Casey Wilson BSN, RN, VP Clinical Administration & Compliance

I highly recommend HealthCare ConsultLink (HCL). Partnering with them was one of the best decisions we made. HCL policy procedures, forms, specialty services, orientation manuals, and admit packets meet federal, state, and Joint Commission requirements. This online resource is well worth the investment as it has saved an enormous amount of time on research and development.

Connie Clark, BSN, RN Administrator TMC Home Health

The staff at HealthCare ConsultLink are professional, knowledgeable, and always eager to assist. We contracted with HCL to provide consulting services for a new office start-up. Our initial state survey was a SUCCESS with no deficiencies. This would not have been possible without the expertise and guidance from HCL. Partnering with HCL is one of the best investments a home health agency could make.

Connie Clark, BSN, RN Administrator TMC Home Health

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