HealthCare ConsultLink


Hospice ALERT – HHS Contract Renewal/DUA and SPI

Hospice ALERT – HHS Contract Renewal/DUA and SPI

Hospice agencies who are due for renewal of their HHS contract are required to complete both a Data Use Agreement (DUA) and a Security and Privacy Initial Inquiry (SPI). At this time, it is unclear which, if any, hospice subcontractors (such as DME, pharmacy, etc.) must be covered by the DUA. Each agency will have to assume responsibility for deciding which sub-contractors meet the standard of inclusion. The SPI requires you to have a DUA policy which HCL is preparing now and will be sent to...

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Medicare Home Health Agencies: Are you ready for 2017?

Medicare Home Health Agencies: Are you ready for 2017?

TOP DENIAL REASONS in 2016 for TEXAS: What are they and how do you protect your agency! Pre-Claim Review: According to CMS, this is a TEMPORARY delay and Texas will be notified 30 days prior to initiation on their website. The most important thing to remember is TRAINING and PREPARATION NOW IS CRITICAL! A thirty day notice is not enough time to prepare for Pre-Claim Review! Targeted Review: Along with reasons for denial prepare your agency for areas of targeted review Prepare for Recent ...

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